Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Other Worlds is almost upon us...

Hi Guys,

Back again for another blog, which hopefully will make up for some of the intermittent service in the very busy run-up to the Alt.Fiction weekend! This time it's to talk about Other Worlds 2, which is a mere week and a half away in Nottingham.

We're running in the Cecil Roberts Room, which is a nice little space in Nottingham's Central Library, from 10:30am-4pm with a mixture of panels, reading and Q+A time. To be honest, I think that the day is a steal at £10, especially as that includes tea and coffee throughout proceedings and takes in three panels and two readings - basically that breaks down to £2 per session!

The event is a collaboration with both Angry Robot and Nottingham City Council, where it's part of the Festival of Reading. We've got four Angry Robot authors taking part in the shape of Peter Crowther, Gary McMahon, Andy Remic and Gav Thorpe, plus publisher Marc Gascoigne. That covers a great range of styles and genres, and ensures we'll have something for fans of science-fiction, fantasy and horror. No doubt we'll also have a host of insights into the writing process, how to go about getting published and what you can expect once your book hits the shelves.

There's still time to pick up tickets for this one, so be sure to explore some Other Worlds with us on the day!

Full info, and booking, can be found at http://www.writingeastmidlands.co.uk/events/238954

Thanks a lot, and hope to see you there!


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